We see emergencies during office hours only. Emergencies can be things such as lacerations (cuts), trauma (e.g. being hit by car), and poisoning (e.g. chocolate ingestion). If you ever feel that your pet needs emergency treatment, do not hesitate to call or come in immediately. If possible, it is best to call before coming in so that a team member can advise you on your particular emergency, and to insure that we have appropriate staff available.
Emergency? Call now.
M-F: 8am – 6pm
Sat: (Every other) 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sun: Closed
After-Hour Emergencies & Referrals
If your pet experiences a medical emergency after hours or on Sunday, we recommend Animal Emergency and Referral Associates. They have doctors on the premises all night, all weekend, and on holidays. We work closely with their doctors. In some cases you may want to transport your pet back to us in the morning for ongoing care. During the day they take appointments by referral from veterinarians only, and do not accept emergencies.